On the afternoon of April 16, 2019, Professor Henk Folmer of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands made a speech entitled "Air pollution and perception-based averting behavior-The case of the Jinchuan mining area, China" in the 305 conference room of the School of Humanities and Economic Law in the Chang'an Campus. The academic report was delivered by Associate Professor Ren Honghao. Teachers such as Yuan Xiaojun, Ai Xiaojuan, Liu Jie, Zhang Shanshan, Xi Jiancheng, Li Chongmao, and some undergraduates and graduate students attended the lecture.

In the report, Professor Henk Folmer elaborated on the relationship between air pollution's impact on residents 'health, residents' awareness of the severity of air pollution and the consequences of air pollution, and the measures taken by residents. Taking Jinchang City as an example, the structural equation model (SEM) is used to conduct an empirical analysis of the relationship between the above. The analysis results show that an increase in the severity of air pollution will significantly reduce residents' outdoor activities and increase the use of air purifiers. Residents are willing to pay 2% of their salaries to reduce air pollution.
After the meeting, Professor Henk Folmer answered the questions from teachers and students on the spot, and explained how to select and write English papers, and use the structural equation model.
(Author/任洪浩 Review/张清江)