In order to focus on the forefront of characteristic disciplines and further enhance the cultivation of graduate students' cross innovation ability, the School of Public Policy and Administration held the first academic launch lecture for graduate students on March 19. The lecture invited Qian Jingyu, a professor and doctoral supervisor from the School of Law of Guangdong University of Technology. The lecture topic was "Legal Thesis Writing: Thesis, Argumentation, and Methods". This lecture was hosted by Professor Li Na, Vice Dean of the School of Public Policy and Administration. Teachers Wang Tao, Han Wei and Han Wenlei, as well as some graduate and undergraduate students from the school, attended the lecture.

In the lecture, Professor Qian Jinyu explained the mission and responsibility of legal research in easy to understand language and vivid examples. Based on his own experience in publishing papers and guiding young innovation teams, he pointed out that academic research must respond to and serve the needs of the Party and the country's major strategies. From the perspective of identity transformation and perspective integration, he introduced the process of extracting problems, topics, and topics in paper writing, and analyzed the laws of research and argumentation from the perspectives of academic value examination, literature review, framework, and ideas. During the communication and interaction session, Professor Qian Jinyu carefully answered questions and clarified doubts for the students present.
This lecture deepened the understanding of academic frontiers among college students, and also provided a good learning and communication platform for students, creating a good academic exchange atmosphere. In the future, the School of Public Policy and Management will continue to invite experts and teachers from different fields to hold a series of lectures on "Graduate Academic Journey", broaden students' academic perspectives, innovate new paths for cultivating students' cross research abilities, and effectively improve the quality of graduate education.
(wroten by Wang Tao)