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Graduate short-term go abroad visit to learn and innovate experiment project series report

发布日期:2018-12-07     来源: 永利集团304am官方入口     浏览数:    分享到:

Tian xiao yu: management science at the university of Brussels, Belgium, free professional learning experience

Report time: on December 13, 2018 (Thursday) at 2:30 in the afternoon

The report location: changan campus humanities and by the law school building 430

Chen's brief introduction:

Tian xiao yu, law school of humanities and the class of 2016 graduate student, from chinni s associate professor, mainly engaged in the research in the field of civil law.

Project profile and the content of the report:

Law school of humanities and the class of 2016 graduate student tian xiao yu, graduate short-term go abroad (boundary) to visit the school and to carry out the innovation experiment project funding, from September 2017 to July 2018, during the free university of Brussels, Belgium for 11 months of learning, the foreign tutor for Marc Jegers professor.During the visiting, the student learned professor Hans courses in the economics of etc., under the guidance of professor Marc Jegers studied the non-profit organization of enterprise and market trends, completed the content of this master's degree thesis.This report will introduce the student at the free university of Brussels, Belgium visiting during learning and experience, and in "nonprofit marketization of enterprise and research achievements, mainly includes: the curriculum from the free university of Brussels, Belgium, interdisciplinary learning experiences, research, and so on.

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